Ngày đăng: 31/01/2018
Nơi giao dịch: Hà Nội
Lượt xem: 1136
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Quilling Paper or Filigree Paper Viet Nam
Quilling ,or paper filigree, is the art of rolling and shaping thin strips of paper to form pictures. Quilling art is constituted by basic patterns such as leaves, flowers… and, in a higher level, our designers create pictures. In the beginnings of this art between 1300 and 1500 AD in Europe, nuns decorated religious artifacts with strips of paper which are rolled on the QULL of a bird feather. Paper filigree is another name of Quilling and reflects the look of fine lacework done by jeweler (The product of disabled people)
Pricing: Buy wholesale with the number more discounts
Number of 13Ngo 11Pho Lien Kim Dong Luong Dinh CuaPhuong DaHa Noi
Phone: 090 624 7031098 999 8210
Email: [email protected]
Quilling picturesque old town
Roll print paper paintings combine
Quilling greeting card
Quilling greeting card
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